These are primarily resources created and used by Josh during his time as a secondary teacher and have been made available for free with the hope they may be of use or provide some inspiration or ideas. The resources are shared via Google Drive.You are welcome to use these free resources within the bounds of the Creative Commons license (or respective license for externally linked resources).
Course Outlines
- Level 2 and 3 Project-based Course: Product Design (in the Schoology Learning Management System)
- Year 9: Digital Technologies / Design Course
- Year 10: Digital Technologies / Design Course
- Year 10: Digital Technologies – Python, SQLite, Web Design
- Level 2 – Digital Technologies – Programming
- Level 3 – Digital Technologies – Programming
- Course Overview: Students
Packaged Resources
- Image Manipulation with GIMP
- Introduction to HTML5 and CSS3
- Design Process: Building a Prototype
- Basic Vector Illustration with Inkscape: Glassy Icons
- Cascading Style Sheets: Getting started with CSS3
Project Ideas
- List of Projects and related skills: used to get students started or form skill-based activities
- Project Seeding site: can be filtered by tool or technology to narrow down based on student interest and tool availability
These are experiments with various digital technologies that were used to test an idea or method. Currently held in a separate web site:
2D Animation
- 2D Animation in Blender 2.8
- Pencil2D Tutorials (YouTube, TJ Free)
3D Modelling
- Blender 2.8: Box Modelling Tutorial
- Blender 2.8: Animation and Rendering
- Blender 2.8: Cloth (Physics)
- Blender 2.8: Eyes (Object tracking)
- Blender: Common shortcut keys
- Blender: Materials, Animation and Rendering (Version before 2.8)
- Blender: Animated eyes tutorial (Version before 2.8)
- Blender: Basic character animation (Version before 2.8)
- Blender: Cloth tutorial (Version before 2.8)
- Blender: Box Modelling tutorial (Version before 2.8)
- OpenScad: Common shortcut keys
- OpenScad: Basic boat tutorial
- OpenScad: Castle tutorial
- OpenScad: Rounded corners
- Tinkercad: Basics: Castle (Video version)
- Basic SQLite database tutorial
- Modifying a SQLite Database with Python
- SQL: Query examples
- Python School Databases
Design Process
Graphic Design
- Python #1: Basic programme
- Python #2: Input
- Python #3: Functions
- Python #4: Lists
- Python #5: For and While loops
- Python: String Formatting
- Python: If/Else example
- Python: Functions
- Python: Search (Linear, Binary)
- Python: Sorting
- Python: Classes
- Python: Turtle: Drawing a square and triangle
- Python: Turtle: Using while loops to draw circles
- Software Development Project (used with Year 10s)
- (gamified python programming)
Programmable Electronics
Project Management
- Brief Template (used with senior Technology students)
- Evaluation Template (used with senior Technology students)
- Brief Template (used with junior Technology students)
- Evaluation Template (used with junior Technology students)
- Example Timesheet
- Student Project Plan (used with senior Technology students)
- Tools and Techniques template (used with senior Technology students)
- Year Plan template (used with senior Technology students)
- 3D Printable Arduino Robot (Designed to be clip together and inexpensive)
- VexIQ challenges (presentation)
Video Editing
- Blender 2.8: Video Editor – Basic Composition
- Blender: Basic Video Editing (Version before 2.8)
- Blender Video Editing Common Shortcut keys
- Blender Video Editing (YouTube Channel)
- Blender: Green screen compositing
- Open Broadcaster
Web Design
- Basic Template: HTML
- Basic Template: CSS
- Basic Template Files (.zip)
- Grid Template: HTML
- Grid Template: CSS
- CSS Grid: Simple Template (.zip)
- MediaQueries: HTML and CSS
- MediaQueries: Template Files (.zip)
- HTML, CSS and Testing reference
- Flask on
- Flask: Python examples
- Flask: Basic Application
- Flask: Basic HTML Templates
- Flask: Template examples
- Flask: Example Application (.zip – contains files for Python, HTML, CSS, SQLite database)
- Flask: Folder Structure
- Year 10: Flask Python Example
- Year 10: Flask HTML Template Example