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Pilot Projects for 2009

Following the trip to Wellington for the NZ Open Source Awards and a breakfast workshop at Core-Ed I have revitalised my interest and understanding in Moodle. I have started a very small first step with a couple of Year 10 ICT students who came back after completing the course in the first half of the year and set up an animation project for them. I have added various resources and a forum for them in the hopes that I can use it again next year for the next intake. Ideally I’d like to see the students creating the knowledge base for every year that follows and effectively become the teachers for new intakes. Next year I plan to run a pilot that sees my course material for the ICT classes moved to Moodle.

I also plan to run a pilot to introduce and use Mahara as a way to create ePortfolios. It has struck me that it would be great for students to be able to have a space for all their work (which is mostly digital) and in a way they can carry them through the years and track their own progress. If it ties in with Moodle and Drupal then i think we have a winning combination. The aim for both these pilots is to focus my attention while I make the courses more robust and set ups some measureable goals so I can report success to other staff (and myself).

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